
Poorman's list of people 
Ok, so
here's the story . . . Someone sent me an email mentioning people's names that I have not heard in nearly
40 years. So I got the idea I would create a list of names, of people I know, or have worked with, or met, etc. Maybe
I'll include a comment about where they're from, or how I knew them, etc.
If your
name is not on my list, and you think it should be, or should not, contact me (before it's too late!).
So here goes, I'll start with me .
. .
Ken Poorman, from Castanea PA
Steve Pührmann, my brother of Lock Haven PA & Pompano Beach FL


Eisenhower |

Kennedy |

Nixon |

Agnew |
President Esienhower - I saw Ike give a speech in the 1950's when I was about 10 years old. I remember his "I like Ike"
campaign buttons. He was standing on the back end of a train in Lock Haven Pa... at the station near Henderson and East
Clinton Streets.
President John F. Kennedy & Jackie - I stood cordon duty at JFK's inaguration on Friday, January 20, 1961 while
I was stationed at the Anacostia Naval Station in Washington D.C. I remember being sort of surprised to see him
and Jackie sitting up on the back of an open convertable, and thinking that wasn't very safe. Steve Bergstrom
reminded me recently (2007) that he ripped off one of the Inaguration signs from a pole on Pennsylvania Avenue when we
were leaving. I think we all went over to George's Corner House in Anacostia after that gig. George made
the best Singapore Slings. He put Benedictine in them, quite a buzz. A lot of the MU's went to George's regularly.
President Richard M. Nixon & Pat - I met them in The White House in 1971, shook his hand and stood next to him
as he played the grand piano and we sang. . . then went into the Blue Room for a reception. They wouldn't allow camera's,
I really wanted a photo of that evening. I'm still ticked off about that - but I was glad to meet him, it was very
nice evening.
Vice-President Spiro T. Agnew - Donna and I met him at the Penn Harris Motor Lodge Ballroom in Camp Hill,
PA at a $100 a plate fundraiser. I think I was Chairman of the Clinton County Young Republician Club at the time.
I was preceded by Rich Novasel as Chairman, and succeeded by Mike Williamson Esq., who became the President Judge of Clinton
County. It was Rich who got me involved in politics and the Jaycees. Thanks Rich!
In 1971 at the YR Leadership Training Conference in DC I attended lectures by Elizabeth Dole . . . John Ehrlichman and H. R. Haldeman and others. Also met Julie & David Eisenhower who sponsored this Training Seminar.
PA Assemblyman Max Bossert from Beech Creek PA. I served on some of his campaigns. I respected Max. I think at one time he was
the senior Assemblyman in the Pennsylvania House of Representatives. His son Tom seems to be following in his footsteps.
Congressman Albert Johnson of Smethport PA - U.S. House of Representatives 1963-77 - I worked on his campaigns; enjoyed his BBQ's at St. Mary PA; visited
him at his office in Washington; he took me to lunch in the Rep's Capitol dining room once.
U.S. Senator Hugh Scott - I worked on his campaigns, and met him in Clinton County and visited him in DC. I usually visited the Republican
National Committee when I was in DC in those days also. Hugh Doggett Scott Jr. served in the House, Senate, and as Chairman
of the RNC. He always seemed very gentlemanly to me.
Mayor Jay Arlington Young - I worked with him on
several community projects when he was Mayor and I was active in the Jaycees and YR's. J. Arlington Young M.S., of Guardlock
Drive, Lock Haven, Pa., passed away. I'm not sure of the year. He graduated from Lock Haven University and served
as Mayor of the City of Lock Haven from 1968 to 1971. He was an elementary principal for 11 years, worked at the Clinton County
School Superintendent's Office as Coordinator of the Federal Remedial Reading Program, and taught high school science for
18 years until retirement in 1984. An Army veteran of WWII, he served in the European Theater as a sergeant and squad
leader of Company A, 350th Infantry Division. He received the Purple Heart and the Victory Medal. Jay used to do my
income taxes many years ago. I think he was a CPA.
U.S. Senator Dick Schweiker - I served on his US Senate campaign in Clinton County Pa in 1968. I remember having a campaign headquarters for him in
a storefront on Main Street in Lock Haven, down near the Garden Theater. I think he was from Schwenksville PA, not far
from where I live now.
State Senator John C. Rafferty, Jr., - John is an attorney from Montgomery County Pa - I talk with him occasionally at
breakfast or lunch in his District. He presented my father-in law, Frank Hansberry, with his service medals in 2007. He gave me a letter of reference once that
was very beneficial. Good guy, conservative, law & order . . .
US Senator Scott - Ken Poorman |
Ken Poorman - Mayor Young |

Horace Silver - I saw him live at Abart's International Suudio of Jazz (upstairs) in Washington
D.C. in 1961, thanks to Dr. Bob Hores, who introduced me to progressive jazz. Mr. Silver was the first professional
jazz artist I ever heard live. I think Abart's was at or near 14th & T in DC, a couple blocks from Ben's Chili Bowl, which I visited recently (Jun 2008) for a growler, actually three good spicy growlers. I also used to go to a place
on K Street in Georgetown (can't remember the name, corner of K and Wisconcin, to hear a really great Dixieland group in the
'60's. Of course since the 80's I've been going to Blues Alley - you can park very nearby in the Georgetown Park Mall at Blues Alley on Wisconcin between K and M Streets - which is also in close walking distance of J. Paul's, and Clyde's, and Billy Martins. . .
Diana Ross - I met her at the Stouffer's Park Ridge Hotel when she played the Valley Forge Music Fair. Our group had the best
suite in the hotel rented for two weeks for a training seminar, and the hotel gave her our suite while we were out over
the weekend. I was shocked when I tried to get in Sunday evening, and her body guard answered the door. She let
us come in later and retrieve our booze from the kitchen cabinets. She also spoke to me at breakfast the next morning.
Wish I could have heard her live.
Buddy Rich - met him when he played Pushnic's in Lebanon Pa in the '60's, and again in Blues Alley in DC in the 80's. Once my
brother was in his hotel room in LA, and put Buddy on the phone with me.
Maynard Ferguson - met him in Hershey Pa in the 60's, and saw him live again years later at Keswick
Theatre in Glenside Pa, shortly before he passed away. What a screecher!
Ray Charles - saw him live in Atlanta GA in the 80's, and again years later in a Williamsport Pa theater with my brother.
Liberace's sister Angelina - met her at the Liberace Museum in Las Vegas NV when I was attending a Risk Management Convention in the early 80's. She made that a very nice visit.
I think Chris Mandel and Al Fosbenner were there also.
Kai Winding - saw him live in Virginia, Virginia Beach I think, or Portsmouth, can't remember for sure. Was it The Rathskeller?
It was a couple steps down into it. Also can't remember if JJ was with him on that gig. I was stationed on the
USS Forrestal in Norfolk at the time. The Forrestal was being dry docked in Portsmouth. Must have been 1961?
Natalie Cole - Diane and I saw Natalie live in Atlantic City, New Jersey at one of the casino's.
I'll never forget how she sang "Unforgetable" along with the movie of her father. It moves me just thinking about
it. I remember my first mother-in-law, Cass Bonnell, telling me many years ago that she and a friend met Nat King Cole
just outside of Jersey Shore PA one night when they stopped to help Mr. Cole when his car was broken down along the road.
She spoke very highly of him, thought he was the nicest gentleman.
Ramsey Lewis - Diane and I saw him live in West Palm Beach FL, thanks to Steve & Pam who
took Diane ans me there. We always have a great time when we visit Steve & Pam, in Lock Haven or Pompano.
Diane Schuur - saw her live in West Palm Beach FL - same event as Ramsey Lewis.
Gary Burton - Diane and I saw him live at Zanzabar Blue (Belmont) in Philly not long before they
closed ZB.
Papa John DeFrancesco - Diane and I saw him live at Vincent's (upstairs) in West Chester Pa. Enjoyed the show, and the Champagne.
I think it was a New Year's Eve.
Dick Johnson leading The Artie Shaw Orchestra - saw him in Stroudesburg Pa, thanks to Dr. Bob Hores who was playing bari with
him on that tour. Diane and I had a nice dinner with Bob after the show, talking over old Navy times (2006).
Joey DeFrancesco - the baddest B-3 burner - met him at Warmdaddy's in Philadelphia Pa. recently (2008).
Not to mention all the musicians I played with or knew from the Lock Haven Area: Jay Frazier (Traps), John Caskey
(Guitar/Vocal), Gene Council (Tenor Sax), Major Mickey Greenberg MD (Trumpet), Craig Holland (Alto Sax), Dale Selfe (Alto/Tenor Sax), Harry Stevens (Guitar),
Jack Mapstone (Bass), Gary Stevens (Guitar), Mel Rinker (Drums), Bennie Mathews (Guitar), Ted Peters (Alto Sax), Guy Beirley
(Vibes), Jim Miller (Bass), Don Dorey (Alto Sax), Jack Kneedler (Drums), Jim Remick (Bass), Joan Black (Vocal/Keys), Jay Caprio
(Guitar), Pete Sweitzer (Trombone), Johnny Nicholosi (Bandleader), Nat Barrett (Trumpet), Vinny Kane (Drums), George Fye (Guitar/Vocal),
Buster Barlock (Clarinet/Alto Sax), Robbie Long (Traps), Jim Chapman (Tenor Sax), Doug Andrews (Guitar/Vocal), Tony Golden (Vocal), Rich Hull (Traps), Tom Bower (Guitar), Steve Poorman, my bro (Organ), Mike Romaneski (Traps), Steve Linn (Guitar), Earle Kenneth Mayes (Piano/Organ),
Karl Keller (Organ/Vocal), Skip Banfill (Guitar), Randy Dixon (Drums), Phil Reeder (Guitar) . . .
Jim Chapman - I enjoyed hearing Jim play at DiSalvo's in Williamsport, with Dr. Mark Polis' b.d.bop Jazz Project. Very nice. And Di and I heard him at the Deer Head Inn in Delaware Water Gap once too. Jim also plays with the Deacons of Dixieland . . . and The Tarnished 6 . . .
Robbie's Band |
Rob Long - Ken Poorman - Jim Chapman |

Pope John Paul II - saw him live at 16th & Arch in Philadelphia in 1982.
I'm happy we recently (2008) named our new high school after PJP2. I don't know if it's true, but rumor has it that the new school colors will be orange and white - so Crystal
& DIana think they will be dressed like little plaid creamsicles! Ha. Bet the boys will like that color too! (Never mind - it was just a rumor - the uniforms
are very nice (except the shoes.)
Here are some
of my K of C guys: Father Trautner, Father Welsh, Father Marczewski, Franne Korkus, Bob Feeney, Vince
DeCarlo, Jim Cahill, Bob Criste, Tom Blake, Steve Novitski, Tom Salvo, Barry Phillips, Ken Poorman, Mike Santangelo, Mark Brosius, Len Kelly, Dan DeMarco, Joe McFarland, Armand Petrillo, Joe DeGrazio, Chas Wood, Kevin Sugalski . . . here are a few
pix . . . Hey. There are a few more names being added as active members of our Council - I don't have photos of
them yet . . . Tony Antunes, Charles Hurd and Chris McDonnell, who are all Eucharist Ministers, and mike Santangelo Jr, and
Chas Wood.

Trautner |

Welsh |

Marczewski |

Korkus |

Feeney |

DeCarlo |

Cahill PGK |

Criste PGK |

Blake |

Novitski PGK |

Salvo |

Phillips |

Poorman PGK |

Santangelo PGK |

Brosius |

Kelly |

DeMarco |

Antunes |

Hurd |

DeGrazio |

Santangelo Jr PGK |

Sugalski |

McDonnell |

Wood |

Boot Camp in San Diego: Ken Poorman (Castanea PA); Chief White (EMC)Company Commander
Co. #345; Steve Fehr (PA); Bob Progin (PA); Don Schroff (PA); Fred May (PA); Ray Swisher (PA); Yancy
(FL); . . . SOM: Ron Bennett (TX); Denny Pratt (PA); Ed Bartlett; . . . Commander Carrier Division Four, Unit Band
#194 Aboard USS Forrestal CVA-59 for Med Cruise 1962-63: Joseph F. "Joe" Gallagher (MUC) Bandleader/Trombone (Newtown
Square PA); John E. "Jack" Ingram (MU1) Trombone (retired CWO4); Larry A. Treaster, Trombone (Lewistown
PA); John "DJ" Dechesser, Trombone; Paul L. Sipe, Bass Trombone; Dr. Robert G. "Bob" Hores Tenor Sax (WV) Taught at Berklee; Jerry Brown, Alto Sax (NY); Dr. John W. "Jack"
Caldon (MU3), Tenor Sax; Joseph M. "Sal" Salazar, Alto Sax; Alfred "Alfie" Hodge, Baritone Sax (NY); Ted Zelio, Trumpet (CO); Raymond T. "Corky" Corcoran, Trumpet; Robert "Bob"
Migacz, Trumpet; Joseph A. "Joe" Pryor, Trumpet (TN); Harold J. "Shorty" Parker, Trumpet (IO); Robert
S. "Bob" Bowman, Bass (Lebanon PA), Stephen P. "Steve" Bergstrom, Drums (MA), Kenneth R. "Ken"
Poorman, Piano (PA) - - - Unit Band #166 - 1970 - Norfolk: Tom Klem, piano, Bob Guck, bass, Rich Wiethop, drums, Jim Chapman,
alto sax (Flemington PA); CINCLANTFLT: CWO3 George L. Briley, Bandleader; Kenny Drew, Piano, . . - - Our COMCARDIV 4 top officers: ADM John J. Hyland, Jr. (Philadelphia PA); VADM Reynold Delos Hogle (Ft. Worth TX); RADM Sam Hubbard (Eoline AL); RADM VG Lambert (Fullerton LA); RADM Roger W. Mehle, Sr. (Cincinnati OH) Double Ace+ . . . Some of the NAvy Band people I
remember from DC in 1960 were Ed Barton, Trumpet (was in my barracks, went from the School to The Navy Band); Mike Beegle,
Sax; Jim Dees, Clarinet; Jim Mall, Piano . . .
CWO George Briley |

(Mehle Bio)

Hogle |

Mehle |

Hyland |

Hubbard |

Lambert |

Bennett |

Bergstrom |

Bowman |

Brown |

Caldon |

Chapman |

Dechesser |

Fehr |

Hodge |

Hores |

Ingram |

Parker |

Poorman |

Pryor |

Salazar |

White |

Treaster |
Bob Bowman 2012 |
San Diego CA - Hey Bob! |
Here's some more people of COMCARDIV
4 when I was in that unit: OFFICERS - CAPT R. A. Clarke, Dr. A. J. Hartzier, CDR W. H. Catha, CDR J. Dooley, CDR V. J. Hatheway, CDR R. W. Huxford, CDR G. H. Winslow, LCDR C. H. Brown, LCDR G. J. Eckert, LCDR W. E. Gildow, LCDR W. F. Hahnert, LCDR R. M. Hawkins,
LCDR L. W. Hill, LCDR C. E. Myers, LT J. M. Morris, LT J. R. Soriano, LTJG C. C. Dimolios, LTJG L. G. Ennis, LTJG R. Magielnicki,
ENS J. F. Berentson, ENS R. J. Mitchell, Jr. - ENLISTED - E. P. Barbon, YN3, R. L. Bauer (USMC), P. J. Begin, SN, Stephen
P. Bergstrom, MU3, Robert S. Bowman, MU2, D. L. Bragg, John W. Caldon, MU3, E. A. Carino, SN, J. G. Case, Robert T. Corcoran,
MU2, R. A. Cruz, R. L. Deia Rosa, SN, M. A. Dela Sierra, SN, J. D. Dorough (USMC), J. J. Dwowsak (USMC), R. C. Edmisten, SN,
W. E. Eubanks, BM, V. D. Fornoies, Joseph F. Gallagher, MUC, J. L. Grimsley, YN3, G. E. Hicks, SN, R. R. Hicks, SN, Robert
G. Hores, MU2, John E. Ingram, MU1, J. Johnston (USMC), R. R. Kemp, SN, F. W. Kulik, Sr., L. A. Lane, SN, Chief J. D. Lebo,
R. L. Legaspi, SD1, M. N. Moore, SN, J. M. Olmsted, Jr., SN, J. Overgard, YN3, Harold J. Parker, MU3, N. L. Persinger, I.
T. Peters, QM2, Kenneth R. Poorman, MU3, Joseph A. Prior, MU3, J. N. Ross, SN, R. B. Russell, SN, John M. Salazar, MU3, H.
Scott (USMC), Paul L. Sipe, MU3, J. H. Smith, Chief R. W. Smith, H. D. Sowers, BM3, T. P. Toner (USMC), Larry A. Treaster,

PA) Myron Dietrich, Don Lohr, Bob Boyer, Peg Wenker, Bev Gallagher, Ann Kane, Katie Miller, Howard Grove,
Jim Connor, Morris Hollick, Bob Smith, Dave Butler, John Keches, Larry Batterson, Jim Calhoun, Jack Leisenring, Merle Hill,
Spence Lane, Bud Oberheim, Craig Cella, Larry Haines, Bob Shaffer, Bob Sweinhart, Bill Rall, Curt Getz, Jim Kahler, Gary Schelegel, (RENOVO PA) Beanie Edler (JERSEY SHORE PA)
Kay Remsnyder, Bill Carson, Ed Bouse, John Bubb (WILLIAMSPORT PA) Walter
Brown, Earl Trostle, Tom Carson-Philly, Bernie Essip (ALTOONA PA)
John Faulds, Ron McGowan, Anna Cernack, Bob Davis, Fred Lakner, Bob Focht, Debbie Gority, Bob Perry, Dick Bortz, Jerry
PA) Clarke Reynolds, Don Deitrich, Ken Leininger, Bob Gibbons, Debbie Rode, Shirley Shott, Ralph Miller (STATE COLLEGE PA) Gerry Marks (WILKES-BARRE PA) Nick
Hanchak (READING PA) Jim Troutner (BLOOMSBURG
PA) Jack Kumpf (CONSHOHOCKEN PA) Dutch Brong, Bill Bowen,
Jack Malin, Mike O'Connor, Nita Dawidziuk, Ceil Callander, Denise Agee, Dorothy Kozikowski Stepanaski, Paul Couch
PA) Roy Klinefelter, Bob Feeney, Al Fosbenner, Ed Pacitti, Bob Gilmore, Bob Reynolds, Bill
Hebrank Esq, Tom Gibson Esq, Dick Ellison, Jan McDermott, Jack Studebaker, Jackie Sparkman Esq, Bob DeFord, Jean Carbon, Deb
Engelhardt, Mary Lou Decasimero, Sam Simpson, Don Karl, Eileen Mullen, George Krebs, Steve Ernst Esq, Mary Bottorf, Mary Conrad,
George Krebs, Carl Teets, Diane Hansberry, Marie Radatti, Tom Gracie, Jack French, Ruth Loman (PITTSBURGH
PA) Linda Vandevort (ARLINGTON VA)
Roger Boucher, Ron Swan, Bill Beam, Al Oates, Tommy Taliaferro, Chris Mandel, Darnell "DJ" Morris, Brian Gardner, Angie Wilson-Kittles, Pat Rowlett, Linda Whalen
(RICHMOND VA) Sandy Lee (WASHINGTON DC) Bernie Walker,
Ravi Mani (CCC), Raghu Mani (CCC), Sumant Mehta (CCC), (CHARLESTON WV) Pete McCray, Joann Osborne (BALTIMORE MD) Dave Seal, Doris Bauder RN (NEWARK NJ) Jim Ventantonio Esq,, Tom Lattanze, Rick Voinier . . .
. . . as I try to remember the hundreds of people I've known or worked with at Verizon (Bell of Pa - Bell Atlantic), I can
remember lots of faces well, but can't remember their names, or I can remember their first name, but not their last,
etc. - think I'm losing it. Here are a few for whom I could find pix:

Batterson |

Bortz |

Coho |

Conrad |

Dawidziuk |

Fosbenner |

French |

Gibson |

Hansberry |

Keches |

Kneedler |

Leisenring |

Mandel |

McCray |

Morris |

Oates |

Pacitti |

Rowlett |

Swan |

Taliaferro |

Ventantonio |

Bob Lockwood SVP, Tom Grimes Esq, Bob Whitlock, Jim Zoerkler, Sallyanne Donovan VP, Bill
Gildea, Linda Higgins VP, Scott Mattes VP, JoAnn Malone, Joyce Baker RN, Marlene Vergillo RN, Margaret Bosler RN, Pam Llewellyn,
Minda Riente, Donna Williams, Ericka Schultz, Deb Finicle, Frank Rotella, Mary Bartholomew, Lou Kornfeind
Esq, Susan Bauer, Myra Ungrady RN, Kathleen Decker RN (Pittsburgh), Sarah Case RN, Bill Creswick, Jack Walters, Sue Litzinger
RN (Nashville), Joan Brinckman, Cindy Blough (Harrisburg), Bernie Pettit Esq, Dick Hardt Esq, Bill Creswick, Skip Galloway
Esq, Dave Barndt, Frank Rotella, Anna Richter, Linda Barr RN, Chris Barr Esq, Dave Bond, Bonnie Rankin, Steve Moore, Shawn
McGlinchey, Annette LaBarre, Matt Stull, Donna Sedlock RN, Kathleen Berlot RN, Alana Peckham RN, Meredith Schoudt RN, Ann
Marie Storbrauck RN, Anne Sobon RN, Jeanette Verzillo RN, Eric Engel RN, Janine Graham RN, Dana D'Arcy Trainor RN, Michelle
Ransom RN, Paula McKinley RN, Allen Friedrich, Linda Donnelly RN, Regina Mallon RN, Sandy Deel RN, Karen Hammock
RN, Raylene Heyberger RN, Jennifer Samarco RN, Sally Diffley, Christine Artfich RN, I. Steinberg RN, Ruth Ann Burnette
RN, Karen Byers RN, Kathy McLeer, Laurel Kempe RN, Grace Kostelnick RN, Joan Fraser-Walters RN, Mary Jane Barnette, Shannon
Mundinger, Randy Baker, Kristen Shearer, Sharon McGoldrick, John Stoehr (NC), Larry Crownover, Sheila Kneiss, Cindy Blough,
Kristen Schearer, . . . Caroline Rupert, Systems Consultant.
a few Harleysville people I worked with:

Lockwood |

Higgins |

Mattes |

Vergillo |

Kornfeind |

Malone |

Llewellyn |

Bosler |

Richter |

Sedlock |

Ungrady |

Case |

Schoudt |

Graham |

NOWTOWN & OTHERS (Lock Haven Area) Paul Mack, Harold Pfaff, Kalin Hill family, Tony Torsell, Jim Smith Esq, Mike
Williamson Esq, Bill Piper, Bob Schadt, Bob Klewans, Grant Miller, John Marshall, John F. "Jack" Boyle, Charlie
Haines, Jim Bressi, Dick Ziegler, Glenn Doebler, Jay Frasier, Dick Stabley, Joe Caprio, Bill Wolford, Judy Glossner; Ron Klinetob
(Tamaqua); Dr Ken Carl & Dr Bill Homisak (Williamsport); Bikers Dave Clukey, Ted Walters and Jim Nonemaker .
. .
(Altoona Area) My neighbors, Leonard & Alyce Hite, Lynn & Gloria Bender, Bill & Jean
Stein, John & Helen (Fiore) Moses, Gus & Isabel Etienne, Horace & Ruth Etienne, Mr. Gish, the Kranich's,
Dr. Webster & family, John Lloyd & family, Fred Shaefer, the Bregman's, Dr. Dongel & family, and
other friends or acquaintances, Warren Gingrich, Dr. Shaheen, Rev. Henry Kulp, Father Caprio, Bill Wertz; Bob Davis, Bob Focht, Jerry Lowe, Bob Perry; F&AM guys Ray Knee, Ron Stacey & Dick Gunsallus . . .
(Philly area) Bill & Nancy Turner, Bill Gordon, Steve Lagoy Esq, Laura Bergey Schmidt, Buddy Oberholtzer, Chris Wright Esq, Jon Beerer, Lyn MacElree Esq, Erich Beerer, Judy Martyak Esq, Chris Piantone, Booty Graff, Stewart Cohen Esq, Pat Stevens, Col. Jill Maurer, Dave Chiccarine, Lyn Silver Esq, Chris Young, Dr. Mary Ann Leary, JR Julian Esq, Lisa Adams LPN, Lisa Bellino Esq, Rita James CPA, Sue Markley, Col. Jim Georges, Ken DeMarco Esq., Tom Johantgen, Catherine Clark, Ted Kay (Lancaster), Susan & Bruce Delaney, Margie Wolfe . . . Tom Rapone US Marshall . . . , Tom was one of my instructors in the ADMIN J baccalaureate program at Penn
State . . . he was Warden of the Delaware County Prison at that time, then became US Marshall in Philly . . .
How about some of the
people from the lunchonette in Eagleville, Nancy & Frank Brennan, Sue Ivens, Mickey Miller, and the bad boys: Tom
Gratz, Bob Emery & Dave Dougherty - Mr. Todd, Doug Gabel, Rich Sipley, Bill Raeburn, Ernie, Gary, Ed, . . .
(Let me know if I missed anyone - I'm sure I missed many)

