Ken Poorman's hometown area includes
Clinton County PA, Centre County, Blair County and Lycoming County; Allison Township, Altoona, Antes Fort, Avis Borough, Bald Eagle, Beech Creek, Beech Creek Borough, Beech Creek Township, Bellefonte, Big Rock, Bitumen, Black Forest, Black Moshannon, Blanchard, Boalsburg, Booneville, Burnside Township, Caldwell, Cammal, Carroll, Castanea Pa, Castanea Township, Cedar Run, Cedar Springs, Centre Hall, Chapman Township, Charlton, Chatham Run, Cherry Run, Clarence, Clintondale, Cogan Station, Colebrook, Collomsville, Cooks Run, Crawford, Crestmont, Draketown, Drocton, Drury Run, Dunnstable, Dunnstown, East Renovo, East Keating, Eagleton, Eastville, Farrandsville, Farwell, Fishing Creek, Flemington, Galeton, Gallagher, Germania / German Settlement, Gleasonton, Greenburr, Glen Union, Greene, Grugan, Hammersley Fork, Haneyville, Hiner's Run, Howard, Hyner, Jersey Shore, Karthus, Kato, Keating, Kettle Creek, Lamar, Leidy, Linden, Little Sandy Run, Little Wolf Run, Lock Haven, Lockport, Logan, Logan Mills, Loganton, Mackeyville, McElhattan, Milesburg, Mill Hall, Mohawk Village, Monument, Moshannon, Nippenose Township, Nisbet,
North Bend, North Fork, North Point, Noyes, Old Side, Oriole, Orviston, Oval, Paddy's Run, Pancake, Parvin,
Panther Run, Phillipsburg, Pine Station, Pine Creek, Pine Glen, Pleasant Gap, Point Breeze, Poorman Side, Porter, Queens Run, Quehanna, Rauchtown, Renovo Pa, Renovo Borough, Ritchie, Rosecrans, Rote, Sagamore Hill, Salona,
Shettleston, Sinnemahoning Creek, Shintown, Slate Run, Snow shoe, South Renovo, South Williamsport, Salladasburg, Sproul State Forest, State
Camp, State College, Sugar Run, Sunset Pines, Susquehanna, Swissdale, Tamarack, Tangascootac, Trout Run, Tylersville,
Waterville, Wayne Township, West Keating, West Renovo, Westport, Whetham, Williamsport, Woodward, Woolrich, Youngdale, Young Woman's Creek, Young Womanstown . . .

AARP, American Legion, Armed Forces Expeditionary Medal, B.P.O.E., Belles Springs Golf Course, Benevolent and Protective Order
of Elks, Best Western, Black
Forrest Inn, Bloomies on the Blvd, BPOE, Castanea Hoagie Shop, Chi Gamma Iota, City of Lock Haven, Clinton County Courthouse, Clinton County Historical Society, Clinton County PA Sheriff, Clinton County Prison, Davis Insurance Agency, Dogwood Circle Garden Club, Donald G. Walker
Funeral Home, Dutch Haven Restaurant, Ettorre Council 13662, F&AM of PA, F. & A. M. Hiram Lodge 616 Altoona, Fairfield Inn, Fallon Hotel, Fish Real Estate, Fourth Degree, Fox's Market House Restaurant, Free and Accepted Masons, Greystone Café,
Hanger 9, Heisey Museum, Helt Funeral Chapel, Hiram Lodge #616 Altoona, Hotel Manor / Slate Run Hotel, HTML Writers Guild, I.W.A., International Webmasters Association, IWA, Lock Haven Jaycees, Jersey Shore Hospital, Junior Chamber of Commerce, Keller & Munro Drug Store, Keystone Motel, Knights of Columbus, L.O.O.M., LaFayette Lodge No 199 F & AM, Lindsey Place Suites, Lock Haven Catholic School, Lock Haven Elks Club, Lock Haven Express, Lock Haven Hospital, Lock Haven Kiwanis, Lock Haven Knights of Columbus, Lock Haven Lions, Lock Haven Lodge 182 BPOE, Lock Haven Motel, Lock Haven University, LOOM, Loyal Order of Moose,
Maenner-Chor, Marriott, Masonic Blue Lodge,
Maxwell Funeral Home, Mill Hall Kiwanis, MillBrook Playhouse, Montgomery County Chamber of
Commerce, Moose, Moriarty Dutcavich
Funeral Home, Mountain Top Inn, National Defense Service, National Rifle Association, Navel Institute, Navy League, Navy Musicians Association, North Bend Hotel, Nothin
Fancy, NRA, Old Corner Grill, Penn College, Penn State,
Pennsylvania College of Technology, Piper, Piper Aircraft, Piper Aviation Museum, Poorman & Group, PSU, Realtylease Properties, Renninger Realty, Renninger's Cabinetree, Restless Oaks, Ricker Brothers
Florist, Ross Library, Rotary of Downtown Lock Haven, Second Cup, Shang, Shangri-La,
Sheetz, Sons of Italy #146, Sproul State Forest, Susque-View Home, Sweeney's Floral Shop, Teah Hospital, Telephone Pioneers of America, Temple, Texas Lunch, That's
The Scoop, The Grit, The Pennsylvania State University, Train Station, U.S. Navy Good Conduct, USS Forrestal, USS Franklin D. Roosevelt, USS Kenneth D. Bailey, USS Kitty Hawk, USS Shangri La, Veterans of Foreign Wars,
VFW, Village Tavern, Villanova University, Virtus - NMA, W. T. Piper Memorisl Aitport, W.A.C.C., WACC Chapter XGI,
Wagon Wheel, Weis Markets, West Chester, Williamsport Area Community College, Williamsport Sun Gazette, Woolrich Outlet Store, Yost Gedon Funeral Home,
Young Republicans

